Storage Tips

Use Quality Boxes

Choose good quality durable boxes, preferably of the same size for ease of stacking. Be sure to label each box for easy reference.

Stack Safely

To prevent unsteady columns don’t overfill boxes. Use light weight materials like packing popcorn or newsprint to top up anything that’s only partially filled.

Save The Searching

When storing household furniture, tape any loose legs or hardware to the item to prevent losing or misplacing them.


Maximize Space

Store smaller boxes inside large appliances and put tools with long handles such as shovels or rakes in clean garbage cans to store them easily.

Plan Ahead

Store the items that you’ll need next season with the ones you use most often at the front of your unit. Use a free standing shelving unit of some kind for even easier access.

Rent A Size Up

If you plan on accessing your unit on a regular basis, consider renting one size up to give yourself easier access to items stored at the back.


Keep Appliances Fresh

Make sure refrigerators and freezers are clean and dry before storing them. To avoid mold and musty odors be sure to prop open the door or lid and add a box of baking soda .

Prepare Bicycles

When storing bicycles, loosen the handlebars and turn them so they are in line with the bicycle frame to save space. Cover the chain and pedals to avoid any grease stains on other stored items.

Store Pull-Outs Flat

Regular couches can be turned on end to maximize space but store pull-out sofas flat. Be sure to tie down bed mechanisms before moving to make hauling easier.


Drain Equipment Gasoline

Remember to drain gasoline from any equipment before storing. Never store any flammable or combustible materials.

Don’t Store Food

Food and perishables can attract pests such as rodents and insects into the unit. Vacuum crumbs from couches and chairs before storing.